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Service Hours

“So when he had washed their feet and put his garments back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, 'Do you call me teacher and master, and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you a model to follow, so what I have done for you, you should also do . . .' ” Jn 13:12-15

Welcome to Bishop Rosecrans Catholic High School! This handbook is to help you find ways in which you can serve the needs of Church, Community, and School. As Christians we are called to service in Christ’s name. Our goal is not only to help you find ways to serve during your time at BRHS but to continue to serve the needs of others well beyond your high school career.

Bishop Rosecrans Service Hours

Below are examples of service that can be rendered within each service area required. Please note that these are suggestions and are not to limit you in finding other possibilities or needs of service. Please see the Service Committee Coordinators (Ms. Theresa Jenkins, Mrs. Chelsea Tolliver, or Mrs. Kelly Sagan) for permission on new ideas and possibilities.

  • Service year can begin after the students’ completion of 8th grade. All high school students are required to give 20 hours of service to their Church and 55 hours to their Community and School over the 4 years they are at Bishop Rosecrans High School to meet one of the graduation requirements. Students who come into the school beyond their Freshman year will have prorated hours for their time at BRHS. For example:

    3 years - 41.25 hours in Community/School and 15 hours for Church

    2 years - 27.5 hours in Community/School and 10 hours for Church

    1 year - 13.75 hours in Community/School and 5 hours for Church

  • Students who arrive at school after 9:10 am on Mass days, without a signed Doctor's excuse, will have an additional 2 hours of service added to the 20 hours of Church service each time Mass is missed.

  • Documentation and submission of hours for each service year must be signed from quarter to quarter. No hours may be claimed for a previous year after the new school year has started. It is your responsibility to see that you have your hours signed off and turned into your mentor group leader in a prompt manner.

  • Hours that are mandatory for your club, sport, teen programs with required hours, or club team cannot be used as volunteer service hours. Service that is performed must be free of charge/donation and must not in return benefit your or your club, sport or team in any manner (ie. new uniforms, free admittance to an event or place, discount for admittance to event or place, etc.)

  • Some service areas/hours show an “hour cap” which signifies the posted amount that will be rewarded per service year. This is to encourage students to participate in a variety of service areas.

  • Parents or relatives cannot sign/verify students' service hours. Students must obtain the verification signature for service performed from an objective supervisor.

  • All hours are subject to verification and approval by the committee members. Mrs. Sagan has the final decision regarding any hours.


Participation in the life of a parish or congregation is the most important element of the BRHS Service Hour requirements for graduation. The following service areas will only be counted for Church hours. They cannot convert over to Community/School hours.

Work Camps - Diocesan sponsored such as “Gospel Road” or other Church affiliated camps - hours to be claimed are only the hours of work time. There is a 20 hour cap for hours being claimed.

Living Stations of the Cross - Local and/or Diocesan

Help in Church office - mailings, stuffing bulletins, filing, etc...

Children’s Liturgy of the Word - teacher, aide, presentor

CCD/PSR classes - teacher, aide, clean-up or set-up, etc.

Vacation Bible School - teacher, aide, clean-up, set-up, activities chair/aide

St. Nicholas Breakfast - set-up, greeter, serve, clean-up

Youth Representative on Parish Council - only meeting time can be claimed

Church Picnics/Socials - set-up, clean-up, help with planning (these are events that are only for the parish for fellowship)

Liturgical Ministries:

  • Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist - 15 minutes
  • Choir, Cantor, or Musician for Choir - 1 hour
  • Altar Server - 1 hour
  • Lector/Reader - 30 minutes
  • Gift Bearer - 15 minutes
  • Usher - 15 minutes

Note: For those who are not a member of St. Nicholas, St. Thomas, or Christ Our Light Parishes, you are more than welcome to serve at these parishes or your own and explore the option with your pastor. If you do not have any church affiliation, you can work through BRHS campus minister and house mentors.


Participation in work performed for an established community agency or organization whose goals address the heart of Catholic Social Justice.

Sports Camps - only time that is NON-MANDATED can be claimed. There is a 2 hour cap per day for hours being claimed.

Christmas on the Hill - only hours that are NON-MANDATED time can be claimed. There is a 6 hour cap for hours being claimed.

Babysitting - hours for watching siblings, cousins, or other family cannot be claimed. Must be volunteer, no money or other incentives can be received.

4-H or Girl/Boy Scout Camp Counselor - only the hours you are working can be claimed. There is a 15 hour cap for hours being claimed.

Eastside Community Ministry - tutoring, summer camps, summer lunch programs, etc.

Animal Shelter - clean cages, walk dogs, etc.

Coaching - this is for biddy ball, rec team outside of school or partner schools. (hours are only those you are working with a team - paperwork, score sheets, etc… do not count)

Safety Town or Cake Auction sponsored by the Alfred S. Carr Center

Nursing Home or Hospital Volunteer (hours acquired through a teen program that requires hours, can not be claimed in this area)

Outreach established through school clubs - see advisor for details (ie. Kiwanis Peanut Sale)

Salvation Army - bell ringers, agency volunteer

Habitat for Humanity

Muskingum County Library

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry or other charitable work sponsored by the K of C’s

Starlight after school program


School Service refers to individual assistance to school-sponsored activities organized by the administration, faculty and staff, House groups.

Beanery - You can only volunteer if you have 6th period study hall

BRHS Fair Booth

Concessions for Sporting Events - cannot claim hours if using this for pay to play reduction.

Alumni/Development Office - mailings, filing, sorting, etc…

Announcement times during school - lunch and end of day - see office to Volunteer. There is a cap of 1 hour per week for hours being claimed.

BRHS Bazaar - set-up, clean-up, concessions, food runner for vendors

BRHS Dinner Auction - set-up, clean-up, server, auction help

Coaching - biddy ball, middle school league for Bishop Fenwick, St. Rose, or St. Benedict

Helping Teachers with classroom work -(see teachers for help needed)

Tutoring - Bishop Fenwick after school program, working with Intervention Specialist with students who need extra help during your study hall or after school.

Bishop Fenwick Basketball Tournament - There is a 5 hour cap for hours being claimed.

School Play - backstage, make-up, costumes, etc… There is a 10 hour cap for hours during play practices that can be claimed. The day(s) of the play, only the hours that you are actually working can be claimed. Those on stage performing do not receive hours.


The following service ideas may be recorded for Church or Community hours. You must pick one, the hours cannot count for more than one area at a time.

Parish Festival Work - St. Nicholas, St. Thomas, St. Benedict, or St. Rose

Neighbor helping Neighbor - spon. by St. Nicholas Youth Ministry - go out to help those in need with cleaning, small home repairs, yard work.

St. Rose Basketball Tournament - There is a 5 hour cap for hours that are being claimed.

St. Benedict School Auction

Souper Bowl - fundraiser for Senior Citizens (sponsored by local churches)

Right to Life events - March for Life - 2 hours max- only the time spent at the actual march counts.

Christ’s Table or other soup kitchens or pantry work


  • Any “mandated” service as directed by coaches or club responsibility
  • Service rendered to personal family members
  • Service during a regular school day where attendance is required
  • Service done as part of regular school activity and/or assignment (ex. Job shadowing, school project)
  • Service cannot be claimed for attending Club meetings. If a service is performed during a regular scheduled meeting - only the service time can be claimed.
    • Performing a family obligation is NOT considered service (ie. taking out the trash, mowing the lawn)
    • Working for free at a Parents or Relatives place of employment (ie. filing, answering phones, janitorial work)

Updated and revised 6/1/2021
all new revisions and updates are effective immediately

Download Service Hours Handbook Service Hours Form
