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Bishop Rosecrans High School Atletic Forms

Original copies of all forms and documents are kept in the Athletic Office at Rosecrans.

Bishop Rosecrans High School 2022-23 Athletic Fee Policy

The Bishop Rosecrans High School will assess each player $65.00 per season at the beginning of each season. There is also a volunteer fee of $175.00 per school year, if the family has not completed their volunteer (20 hours minimum) at any of the following school events which must be income producing:

  • Concessions (all seasons)
  • BRHS Holiday Bazaar (first weekend in December)
  • BRHS annual auction “Shimmer of the Night” (March or April)
  • Special events approved by school administration.

Students are not permitted to work in order to reduce the athletic fees as students receive service hours to meet graduation service hour requirements.

Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for our Athletic policies.

Athletic Fee Volunteer Hour Policy Forms
Other Forms

Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form 2018-19

Concussion Resources


S.C.A. & Lindsay's Law Form

Medical Return to Play Form

"OK to Try Out" Checklist

OHSAA Foreign Exchange Eligibility 2015-2016

RHS Emergency Medical Authorization

Liability and Insurance Waiver Form

Athletic Department Parental Permission & Transportation Form

Hall of Fame Nomination Ballot
