Catholic Core Values
Catholic + Athlete = Cathlete
There are seven core virtues that Catholic Athletes for Christ consider to be very valuable in the practice of the faith for athletes and those involved in the world of sports. They are Charity, Honesty, Humility, Meekness, Moderation, Purity, and Sportsmanship.
Charity is the virtue of putting others before ourselves.
Goal: We should all seek to love one another as Jesus has loved us, placing other's needs before our very own. In sports this means learning to care about those around us, even our competitors. Treat each person we meet not only how we would want to be treated ourselves, but moreover how Jesus Christ would treat them if He were present.
Honesty is the virtue of being conformed and dedicated to the Truth. Goal: We should all seek to be men and women dedicated to the Truth, the truth of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. This is a truth that exists outside of our own human mind, a truth that we get the grace of participating in every time we read sacred scripture or participate in the sacred mysteries.
"No one is truly poor but except the one who lacks the truth." - St. Ephraem the SyrianHumility
Humility is the virtue of being aware that God is the author of all good, and the realization that we are not God.
Goal: We should seek to give credit to God who is the source of all that is good and seek to do all things for the greater glory of God, rather than taking credit for His handiwork.
Meekness in athletic competition is not capitulation or timidity; it is the spiritual strength to help your competitors over the bar that you raise by winning.
Goal: We should all seek the strength of character in fortitude and courage to turn anger inward to maximize the gifts that God gives us rather than trying to tear down our competition. In order to take meekness to the next level, we must compete in such a charitable way that we actually make our opponent better too.
Moderation, also known as temperance, is the virtue of being in control of our passions and having self-mastery.
Goal: We should all seek to be in control of our whole lives at all times. Our passions do not have power over us; we instead have power over them. We should have the ability to tell ourselves "No" and be in control of our appetites for the things of this world and the simple pleasures of life.
Purity, also known as chastity, is the virtue of being clean in mind and body, as well as modest in our dress and speech.
Goal: We should all seek to be in control of our sexuality. We are not to deny our human sexuality, but rather embrace it, accept it, and integrate it into our very person through the use of temperance. True chastity requires diligence and discipline, always being on guard against temptations of the flesh, so that we may truly love, cherish, treasure, and honor others as we should.
Good Sportsmanship is the virtue of treating others with dignity and respect in sporting events; winning with graciousness and losing with dignity and honor.
Goal: We should all seek to compete to the best of our ability, treating ourselves, our fellow teammates, and our competitors with dignity and honor. Our behavior should reflect at all times that of Christ and our demeanor speak to the value of healthy competition. Instead of looking for the easy way to win or resort to cheating, being a good sport means that there are no short cuts to victory.